Living 90 Days Unafraid

90 days. As of today, there are 90 days left in 2019. September has come to an end, and as I step into the final 90 days of the year, I find myself asking: Have I lived life on purpose? 

The truth is in some moments I have, but in a year that has known grief, crisis, change, celebration and illness, some days I thrived. Some days I got by. Some days…well… PJ’s and Netflix made perfect sense.

As I reflect on my year so far, I wonder, how is your year going? What goals, desires and dreams have you pursued this year? What dreams have you put on hold because life happened, disruption happened, and the pursuit of your dreams was overwhelmed by the needs of others, demands of life, an all or nothing attitude, perfectionism, imposter syndrome or fear?

Sometimes 365 days is a lot to wrap our minds around. We all start the year with good intentions and then life happens. What if you decided to refocus on your God-given dreams, desires and goals and chose to live the last 90 days of 2019 on purpose, with intentionality? What if for 90 days, each day, you took one small step toward your goals? What if for 90 days you placed your self-care goals, vocational goals, spiritual desires or relational goals before your eyes once again? What if your last 90 days of 2019 were your most intentional, courageous, bold, unapologetic, refreshing or enlivening? What if you finished 2019...the next 90 days...unafraid to pursue your dreams?

Your dreams matter. You matter. God’s not done. You’re not done. Keep pressing on one small step at a time. Will you join me?

#onestepatatime #press #leadership #selfleadership #90days #noexcuses #livewithpurpose #90daysunafraid


1) Slow and Reflect. Slow down and reflect on the goals or dreams with which you started the year. Jot them down once more. Evaluate them. Do they still make sense? Do they still ring true? What doesn’t fit anymore? What have you already accomplished? (Celebrate what you have accomplished.) What new goals or dreams might you add? Reflect of Matthew 6: 25-34. 

2) Pray and Listen. Spend time in prayer asking God about your goals and dreams for the last 90 days (or whenever you begin this journey) of 2019. Listen to what God has to say. 

3) Edit and Revise. After listening in prayer, edit and revise your list. Though you do not have to use all criteria, it may be good to look through the lens of SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based. The more specific you can make your goals, the easier it will be to develop a strategy to move toward them. And yes it may just be 1 or 2 goals or dreams you or moving toward. 

If you have a large dream on your heart, then ask, “What one step might I take toward making this dream a reality?” This may mean developing a business plan, filing the paperwork to start your nonprofit, establishing a rhythm of writing each day so you may pursue your dream of becoming a published author or any number of things. Then, break that one step down into one small step for today. Do you need to get the paperwork? Fill out the first section? Fill out one section a day? You get the point!

4)Share. Share your goals with friends you trust. These are your ride or die folks. These are the friends who you trust, who desire to see you become most fully who you were created to be. Let them know what you’re moving toward and ask for their prayer and support. If you need accountability, ask them to hold you accountable. 

5) Act. Take one small step each day toward fulfilling one of your goals. Have grace with yourself for these small steps. The truth is, sometimes sleeping in is a step toward your goal especially when your body needs rest. Sometimes our one small step may mean game night with family or friends because community and laughter restores us and gives us energy for the road ahead. Whatever it may be, intentionally name the small step/steps, and act. 

6) Celebrate. Once you act, celebrate your step of obedience. Share it with a friend. Talk to God about it, or record it in a gratitude journal. Each step you take matters and is worth its own acknowledgment. 

7) Keep GOING!!! When you feel like giving up KEEP GOING! When fear rushes in KEEP GOING!!! When you wonder if it’s worth it, lean into your friends and KEEP GOING!!!

Ending the year strong is not about perfection. No. It is about self-compassion, grace and the determination to choose to wake up each day and live a bit more fully into your God-given identity as a courageous, beloved, empowered, emboldened, gifted, sent, powerful, world-changing, unjust system overthrowing, Child of God. 

Now, go on! Get down with your bad self! 

***For the next 90 days, I will be blogging daily and sharing my own journey as I press forward toward the goals and dreams God has placed on my heart. I hope you can join me and find encouragement for your own journey.


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